Ancient philosophy (Parmenides, Plato, Desert Fathers); phenomenology (E. Husserl, E. Stein), social ethics and medical ethics (esp. art therapy), philosophy of art (esp. outsider art), peace studies and resilience studies.
- in Polish: Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Therapy, Social Ethics, Bioethics, Environmental Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology, Philosophy of Film
- in German: Collective Memory, Cultural Anthropology
Social Media:
1998 – 2003 M.A. in Philosophy – University of Silesia, Katowice/Poland.
08.07.2003 Final exam of the master’s degree passed with distinction (master thesis: Agathon estin hen – In search of the sources and meanings of Plato’s concept of ‘the Good’; language: Polish)
10.2002 – 01.2003 Erasmus-Studentship at the University of Salzburg (Philosophy and Classics)
2004 – 2009 PhD in Philosophy – Graduate School for Social Research at the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw. 28.9.2011 – the defense of the doctoral thesis: Alethejological Concepts of Being. A Comparative Study on Platonism and Phenomenology; Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Warsaw
10.2006 – 01.2007 DAAD-research fellowship at the LMU Munich (Philosophy)
October 2007 Visiting researcher at the University of Lviv/Ukraine (Philosophy)
August 2008 Studentship at the University of Bamberg – (German Romanticism)
10.2008 – 06.2009 OeAD-Fellowship at the University of Salzburg (Philosophy)
2009 – 2012 Research fellow at the ifz Salzburg (International Centre for Social Ethics). Research topics: Patristics (i.e. Plotinus, Augustine, Evagrius Ponticus, John Cassian, Boethius), Social Ethics and Medical Ethics (Agency & Health), Phenomenology (E. Husserl, E. Stein)
04. – 06. 2012 Visiting scholar at the DLA Marbach – Norbert Elias-Scholarship
Since October 2012 Assistant professor at the University of Poznan
March 2014 Lanckoronski-Fellowship at the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
03.2015 – 02.2016 OeAD-Fellowship at the University of Salzburg/ Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research
06. – 07.2017 DAAD-Fellowship at the HfBK Dresden (Academy of Fine Arts), Germany